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30 October – 6 November 2021

Sat 30th Oct

Arrivals and orientation

Reading group / film screening

Sun 31st Oct
11:00 - Sound Bath
Reading group - Sonic agency, by Brandon LaBelle

Samhain Ritual
20:00 -INNERMOST SANCTUM: late-night talk show come quasi-meditative radio programme on Domes FM

Mon 1st Nov
Vibration Through Tissues: soft science of Fascia

Ways of Listening: Field Recording Workshop
Open space for contributions
Transition practices - beyond the break

Tues 2nd Nov
NULLA 0 - Lola de la Mata

Semiotics of the Weather
Rest and digest
Film screening: Sisters with Transistors

Weds 3rd Nov
Rest and digest
Open space for contributions

DJ Workshop
20:00 - Domes FM broadcast

Thurs 4th Nov
Reading group
Open space for contributions

Online moment
Your voice is a suspension of time: oral histories archiving

Fri 5th Nov
Annual General Meeting

Open space for contributions
Lawrence Dunn - work in progress
Bonfire Night Shenanigans

Sat 6th Nov
Pre-programmed day with:
Ashely Holmes
Dialect (Andrew Hunt)
Kelly Jayne Jones

Open Decks Session

Annual General Exchange 2021 – Sound, dug through

AGE 2021 will pay attention to sonic commonalities at scales. Close listening to the tiniest vibrations of our immediate surroundings can reveal the possibility for multi-species, more-than-human communication. Such listening also reveals the solidifications of ongoing colonial and extractivist stories within sound.

Honouring presence by listening closely, this year we’ll be working with the medium of field recordings in many different forms. There’ll be workshops which allow us time for environmental response, and reflections on the technologically mediated capture of sounds.

Throughout the week, there will be opportunities to experiment, which situate sound in the body, and respond to the spirit of place: expect sound bounced off architecture, cut with layers of folklore and shaped by momentary mood.

We’ll be exploring the bodily affects of listening – the patient effort of receptive stillness, for example, or the percussion of a body receiving intense information. Our capacity for attention is linked to our body’s permeability, and never-ending noise pollution becomes toxic body-burden. How, then, can we cut through the saturation, and hone our ears to be able to enter different frames of reference, perspectives and alternative ways of thinking and being?

For AGE 21: Sound, Dug Through; we’ll be attending to time compressed by ancestral histories, interrupted by ontological category and resonated by embodiment.

There will be time for stayers to add, hold-with offer moments during the loose schedule of the AGE. If you’d like to propose something chiming or jangling the thematic, this can be done when you arrive, or drop us a line beforehand.

There are many welcomed forms: workshops, extended conversations, trying out new ideas or working through your practice.

As the week calls us to attend to listening-beyond, there will be an opportunity for stayers to make their own noise, create sound and experiment.